Repair Invoice: #11402



Out of stock

SKU: 11402 Category:


Your item(s) have been repaired.

Summary of charges

  • Material: $71.41
  • Labor: $20.00
Part # Description Qty Subtotal

Breakdown of Material Used

1M11K41201 BLS254 MIDDLE CASE 1 $0.78
TFS1200210 S382 PCBCOMP BLS274SV 300MM TF 1 $15.80
2M41A08802 TR133EN10FFB5K-1402 1 $0.61
8M00E01503 BEARING MR106LBO(L1060) 2 $0.92
1M17A46752 BLS274SV LABEL 1 $0.07
9M13A01101 NAMIKI DBL17-1803-05(M0.25Z18) 1 $32.00
1M11K19401 2ND GEAR S9253/S925 1 $0.17
1M11K19501 3RD GEAR S9253 1 $0.19
1M11K19601 1ST GEAR S9251/53/5 1 $0.18
1M11K19101 FINAL GEAR S9151 1 $0.42
1M11K36302 BLS251A UPPER CASE 1 $0.59
1M15E25101 BLS351 FINAL GEAR/ASSY 3 $19.67
1M11K06401 VR DRIVE PLATE S28 1 $0.01

NOTE: Your repaired unit(s) will be returned upon payment.

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 2 in